
What are the development directions of full-color LED displays in 2020?

Nowadays, the word intelligence has gradually appeared in every corner of our lives, from the most common smart digital TVs, unmanned supermarkets, smart communities, smart cities, to the current hot technology era. Perhaps, a major historical drama with artificial intelligence as the central idea is constantly refreshing our understanding of modern technology. The disruptive technological innovation of full-color LED displays is gradually sneaking into our daily lives, trying to change our lives. .

As early as July this year, the State Council issued the “New Generation Artificial Intelligence Development Plan” (hereinafter referred to as the “Plan”), which proposed the guiding ideology, strategic goals, key tasks and safeguard measures for the development of my country’s new generation of artificial intelligence in 2030. Deploy and build my country’s first-mover advantage in the development of artificial intelligence and accelerate the construction of an innovative country and a world science and technology power. It can be seen that intelligent development is no longer a spontaneous behavior of enterprises, but involves the intervention of the state and has risen to the level of strategic development.

Human screen interaction

Human-screen interaction is the ultimate trend in the intelligent development of full-color LED displays. why would you say so? Because from a product perspective, intelligent LED displays enhance user intimacy and operational experience. Against this background, in the future, Chenzhi Technology’s LED display will no longer be a cold display terminal, but a display based on infrared sensor technology, touch function, voice recognition, 3D, VR/AR and other technologies that can communicate with the audience. Intelligent display carrier for interaction.

Intelligent large-screen central control

The intelligent full-color LED display allows more users to have a very good scene experience. When people interact with the display, it creates a scene and puts people’s emotions and feelings into the display. On the other hand, the intelligent upgrade of large-screen control systems is also an important engine for the advancement of intelligent LED display products. For example, based on existing technologies, cloud platform management, big data analysis and processing, intelligent control, safe playback, accurate push, etc. The multi-function is more intelligent, and at the same time, product hardware also needs to be continuously improved.

At the same time, smart LED displays in the 21st century have shown a trend of segmentation and diversification in product application fields. In various fields such as smart transportation, smart large-screen monitoring, smart stages, and smart advertising, smart There are various smart LED display products such as small spacing, smart full-color LED displays, smart transparent screens, etc. However, no matter how many fields and products there are, there is no denying that the research and development of smart LED display products requires more user-level operators. Design and R&D can truly solve the widespread needs of users, achieve universal intelligence in the product market, and ultimately win market recognition.

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